Dread Ink

Dread Writings

Feb 19, 2017 - 1 minute read

A New Praetorian Guard

Dennis Kucinich writes in an article for Newseek:

Now, some unnamed, rogue, intelligence officials, allegedly fearing leaks, are reportedly withholding secret information from the new president, while their own unsubstantiated leaks promote a narrative that Russia hacked the U.S. election, colluding with Trump aides.

This is very dangerous. During the first and second centuries A.D. the Praetorian guard essentially chose the emperor. Often selling the post for money, they placed a number of emperors on the throne.

It is a dangerous precedent to follow, allowing these shadowy intelligence agencies who are no doubt filled with some good and some bad people, to place themselves above the law, and above our republican form of government.